Magical Maze

garden maze

(image credit: Anthony M. Davis)

Enter the maze
let the magic unfold
trust your intuition

No idea what lies
in the network ahead
trust your intuition

Around each bend
enchantment holds breath
trust your intuition

Scratches scrapes
thorns brambles within
reach out to hamper your step
don’t rush keep pace
aware of all that you see
trust your intuition

Trust your heart
with each movement you make
it is linked to your soul
an ancient cosmic connection

Listen to the maze
to the growth that surrounds you
trust your intuition
It will not lead you astray


Three Year Old’s Perspective


Knees and elbows move around me
people in a hurry
lots of them on the dirty sidewalk
don’t walk on the muddy bit

Look up and see tall, tall buildings
taller than the sky
colorful cranes, too
white, red, yellow – just like Lego
one, two, three…
there’s seven!

Pop’s hand holds me tight
I tug to get his attention
try to tell him about the little lady bug
on his pants
she’s so cute
I want to carry her
He only smiles down

Pop’s takes big steps
at daycare they say, “Hurry up **”
I’m faster now
look at my new pink running shoes

I want ice cream after we stop
Can we get ice cream?
I like going for walks because mommy
says then we can get to the playground
swings are my favorite
but I like to climb, too

I wonder if we’ll get out
of all these people soon
Why are they all following us anyway?

A Gnome

(image credit:

We came upon a gnome
blowing up balloons
seated at the corner of a house
Discovery of his presence delighted us
piqued our curiosity
We approached slowly

He appeared to be equally curious about us
remaining seated on a wool blanket
black boots tucked under his body
straw hat at an impossible angle on his head
round lenses of his wire glasses magnifying his dark eyes

The gnome spoke rapidly
in rhyme
he told a silly story
that blended with questions
he didn’t bother to hear answered
We laughed
amused by his silly demeanor

While all this took place
a young elf
paced side to side to the left of our seated friend
The older gnome ignored the movement
remained focused on us
Between giggles we tried to speak
but he had a tale to spin

He handed a balloon sceptre
pronouncing a new queen
investing with authority a new royal
custodian of the inflated rod
And was gone

We blinked with mirth
not quite understanding
what had just taken place
a bit of magic added to our day

Hypnotic State

Patchwork quilt

(image credit:

I find myself in an unknown land
sleep walking
body in a trance
talons of comprehension
have loosened their grasp
taken flight

People smile quarter moon smiles
kindness evident in soft brown eyes
best human qualities on display
but no matter how hard I try
the exotic lilting language
remains foreign to me

I am learning this milieu
through faculties long dormant
acquiring trust in my senses

Sight allows a glimpse of this new world
garbled symbols join movement, color, style, rhythm
a patchwork concept that taunts
hanging just beyond perception

I smell loneliness, hunger, happiness, JOY

The environment tastes purple
Although not mute
my tongue feels twisted
articulation a lost art
formation of sound demands effort
conscious awareness

My ears delight in the musical litany I hear
long for when my own body does not betray
with crass sounds
indelicate and rude
but can join the melodic refrain
lovely angelic chorus
of those that surround me


Sweet Nectar


(image credit: Primo Masotti

Confusion buzzes in my head
like a swarm of angry bees
that have lost their queen

I crave the sweet nectar
of love words
dripping smoothly from your lips
like honey off a comb

But I get
peanut butter and jelly promises
an unwelcome substitute
that sticks with dryness
rather than desire

Dancing Dragon

dancing dragon
(image credit:

She danced to the music
twirling step by step
her little skirt spinning out from her body
like a toy top set in motion

Her eyes closed
lashes dark against porcelain cheeks
that were red and glowing as if lit from within

Happy go lucky
she practiced jaunty quick moves
this little show girl was
putting on quite a display
her joy was unmistakable

I felt grateful
for the gift of her dance
the vision of her
carefree performance
awoke a sleeping dance dragon
within my heart

I found my foot tapping
myself smiling
and soon
I too
was dancing with abandon