Three Year Old’s Perspective


Knees and elbows move around me
people in a hurry
lots of them on the dirty sidewalk
don’t walk on the muddy bit

Look up and see tall, tall buildings
taller than the sky
colorful cranes, too
white, red, yellow – just like Lego
one, two, three…
there’s seven!

Pop’s hand holds me tight
I tug to get his attention
try to tell him about the little lady bug
on his pants
she’s so cute
I want to carry her
He only smiles down

Pop’s takes big steps
at daycare they say, “Hurry up **”
I’m faster now
look at my new pink running shoes

I want ice cream after we stop
Can we get ice cream?
I like going for walks because mommy
says then we can get to the playground
swings are my favorite
but I like to climb, too

I wonder if we’ll get out
of all these people soon
Why are they all following us anyway?