A Quiet Strength

(internet photo – Ricke)

The past several day I’ve had the pleasure of seeing owls when I am out for my walk. Standing in the space of their presence brings me a sense of joy and calm – a moment to forget everything that is happening in the world around me.

A Quiet Strength

Hope is a great-horned owl.
It is yellow eyes 
that harness strength.
It is open eyes 
that face shadows.

Hope allows you to soar
on winds of change
to leave some old habits
and bring something new 
into your life.

Hope settles 
on a tree limb,
listens, looks
for subtle signs,
sees what usually goes
below your radar.

Hope uses the beauty
of night
to inspire creativity.
Little can stop
an owl once it has set
its sights
on "the prize"

Some Fun Facts About Owls

Owls have specialized feathers with fringes of varying softness that help muffle sound when they fly. Their broad wings and light bodies also make them nearly silent fliers; which helps them stalk prey more easily.

An owl has three eyelids; one for blinking, one for sleeping, and one for keeping the eye clean and healthy.

This Is My City #23

“Those who came before planted the trees so that future generations can enjoy the shade.”
This is an art installation in Sien Lok Park.
The Chinese first landed on Canada’s West Coast (Nootka Sound) in 1788, as carpenters and craftsmen of a trading vessel. It was not until 1858 that thousands of Chinese immigrants came to Canada with hopes and dreams of a better life.

This Is My City #16

Another spring snowfall. I saw these two resting beside the path where I ran this morning. I feel like curling up and tucking in like them only with a good book!

This Is My City #10

This street art reminded me of a famous poem 🙂
“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering,
fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”
Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven