Shadow Lake

The road winds into the distance
rocks, roots, puddles and mud
draw them higher.
Each step one closer to the lodge
built years ago by others
who passed beneath more youthful trees.
Trees that now bend and sway
creak and groan as they lean
to hear conversation below,
chatter to ease the monotony
of the upward stretch.

Clouds twist and tumble
tease with grey and blues swirls,
jackets on and off
in rhythm with their play.

Each stride squashes every day worry.
Layers of adult responsibility shed
as boots splash and smiles spread.
Friends greet each other,
prairie dogs happy to ascend to the alpine,
to explore new territory.
Covered in mud they giggle,
children who play in the rain
because they can.

Captivating Specimen

Glossy illustrations float
colorful characters and exotic places
before a little boys sparkling blue eyes.
His smile stretches to surround his mom and dad
with youthful delight as he carefully
turns the pages of his new book.

She blows a cloud of dust
off the leather jacket of a book she pulls
from a small wooden table. Vibrant
ink drawings take her breath away.
“Is this for sale?” she asks
the garage sale proprietor.

A stiff black inspector’s boot
stumbles on a buried article in cooling ashes.
His gloved hand retrieves a charred book.
The embossed cover and bright images still visible
bring a grim smile to the fireman’s face.
With a sad heart he tosses the book in the garbage.

Clandestine Visitor

Light patter of feet
upon bare floor
spring rain gently tapping on glass

Little person unable to sleep
attempts stealthy reprieve from night time ritual
creeps toward lamplight

Open book lies on blanketed lap
words on yellowed pages invisible
disinterest feigned in clandestine visitor
silently daring next move

The child darts from shadow to shadow
a staccato movement
stops and starts

Her position freezes
as I clear my throat
fetching a giggle

she anticipates discovery

With the willpower of Hercules
I do not look her way


Until just the right moment to
my arms out
to grab her

Squeals of delight elicited
as we tumble
into a laughing heap