
Dawn stretches her colors gracefully
behind an accumulation of grey cloud
rendering a rhythm
to start a new day

Breath of my sleeping husband
joins the diurnal pulse
his chest rising and falling
like gentle waves cresting

Percolating coffee
pfft, pfft, pffts
as it tries to contain
energy within the beans
struggling to maintain tempo
to find a perfect blend

Rain patters on the window
knocking for entry
to escape its own wetness
adding to pattern flow
already set in motion

Windshield wipers wiping
kind of like singing off key
their meter gasping disappointment
at the incessant downpour

The day’s cadence quickens
acquiring a staccato feel
stop and go cars
interrupting honks

The surge in percussion
throbs in my temples
requiring an end of the day sip of wine
a sunset beat slowing things down
to match dawn’s graceful rhythm

2 thoughts on “Rhythm

  1. Meghan says:

    Awesome poem, Mary! Just loved this one!! So many great lines but my favourite, given the weather we’ve had, is “..knocking for entry
    to escape its own wetness…” That line gave me a big smile; thank you! πŸ™‚

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